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If your home is on the market or you have recently sold your house, then there is a lot to think about. For those with their home on the market, there is a constant struggle to keep their home decluttered and tidy.

For those who have already sold their home, there is all the stress of packing everything away and preparing for the big day. It is no wonder that moving home is one of the most stressful situations we face.

If this sounds familiar, then you have come to the right place. A self-storage unit can ease much of the stress and hassle in both these situations and not break the bank in doing so!

Here are just a few of the ways that self-storage can help if you are selling your home or moving home.

Benefits of a Self-storage unit when Selling your Home

Late summer and autumn are fantastic times to have your home on the market. There is still plenty of natural light to make sure that potential buyers see your home looking at its best. Additionally, many people want to be in their new home by Christmas, and this presents the last opportunity to do so.

This means you want to make the most of the opportunities that this time of year presents. Here’s how a self-storage unit can help you clinch that sale:

  • Decluttering – Any estate agent will advise of the importance of having your home looking at its very best when it is on the market. Decluttering is a great way to give your home a bright and airy feel and make it easier to keep clean. Self-storage presents a cost-effective and easy solution to allow this to happen. There are no long-term contracts, so you only need to book a unit for as long as you need. Additionally, units are available in a range of sizes. So, whether you want to store a lifetime’s worth of clutter or just tidy up the living room a little, there is a perfect solution.
  • Sheds and Attics – Along similar lines is all the clutter we “temporarily” hide out of sight in sheds and attics. Potential buyers will want to check out these areas and first impressions are critical. Clearing out these areas will help to clinch a quick sale.
  • Don’t forget the garden! – Many people concentrate on getting their home as beautiful looking as possible and forget all about the garden. The garden is one of the main selling points of many properties, and it is a great idea to spend some time making it look fantastic. A self-storage unit allows you the flexibility to store unneeded garden tools and furniture to allow your garden to look its very best.

Benefits of a Self-storage Unit When Moving Home

Now that your home is sold, it is time to prepare for the big day. Unfortunately, this is never simple, even in the best of circumstances. And if there are complications like a delay between moving out and moving in days, then the problems will quickly mount up.

The latter is just one of the many scenarios where a self-storage unit can save the day, but there are many more advantages to using a self-storage unit when moving home:

  • Inbetween Homes – As already mentioned, sometimes you can find yourself in between homes when selling. Perhaps, your property sold faster than you imagined, or maybe you wanted to delay the decision about where to live until after the sale. Whatever the reason, a self-storage unit offers an affordable, secure, clean, dry, and convenient storage solution.
  • Downsizing – If you are downsizing, then you may not have room in your new home for all your stuff. This can lead to making rushed decisions, and you can end up getting rid of stuff that may still be useful later on.
  • Pack and Unpack at your Leisure – Organising a move can be a nightmare. One of the main problems is that stuff we rarely use starts to accumulate in packing boxes and crates and complicates the matter further. A self-storage unit lets you safely store packed belongings and allows you the space to keep organised as you prepare to move. Similarly, when it comes to unpacking, the same problems arise. A self-storage unit allows you the time to get your new home organised and fully prepared without a lot of unnecessary clutter and packing cases.
  • You are Renovating/Decorating your New Home – Your new home may not yet be the dream home you want it to be. Often, we buy homes that have potential but need work done. This might just be slapping a few coats of paint on, or it may be major renovations. For whatever reason your home needs work done, a self-storage unit provides the breathing space to get your new home just as you want it before shifting your belongings in. Also, it keeps valuable furnishings, electronics, and other valuables safe while the work is being completed.


At Belfast Self Storage, we are here to help. If you are selling your home or moving home, then we can take much of the stress by providing secure, clean, and affordable storage for as long as you need.

Why not call us today to find out more about how a self-storage unit is the perfect storage solution when selling your home or moving to a new one?